Let us your review
It’s very easy and fast to review us.
Follow the instructions.
Review using your Google account
1. follow the link below to our Google page
2. if not logged in, please login
3. a review box should automatic popup, if not, click the button “Write a review” present on the right column
Review on Tripadvisor
1. follow the link below to our Tripadvidor page
2. choose the experience
3. rate the experience
4. indicate the date and the context
5. write your review, give a title and add some photos (optional)
6. check the box to accept the terms
7. click the button to submit your review
Review on TrustPilot
1. follow the link below to our TrustPilot page
2. roll over stars, give a title and description to the review
3. accept the terms
4. confirm your identity by using your your facebook account or trustpilot account
Thank you.